from Mark to Marcos

from Mark to Marcos

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Incredibly Imperfect. Wonderfully Loved.

This past week I have been so encouraged. So encouraged by someone I do not even know. However, we have a mutual friend. That mutual friend? Jesus.

Katie Davis is a 20-something year old, living her life for Jesus. In Uganda! Katie moved to Uganda at the age of 19 with a 1 year commitment to teach in a school. By the end of that year, she had adopted 8 daughters.
Holy Cow! 8 daughters! at age 19! I know, it seems SO surreal. Well, Katie now has 13 daughters at the age 23. YES! 13 daughters! YES! Only 23 years old.
I spent 1 day reading all of Katie’s blog posts from 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012! Wow. Yes that was a lot of reading and SO worth it. Her life isn’t easy; it is hard, humbling, beautiful, inspiring, and it is so easy to see Jesus working right through Katie. (check out this 4 minute video about Katie's work in Uganda)

I am not saying that Katie is perfect. However, God is perfect, and it is so awesome  to see God’s perfect work done through such a “normal” person. One day, I hope that someone can say the same about me. I am an incredibly imperfect person, but, I want God’s perfect work to be done through me. I am incredibly imperfect, but wonderfully loved. Wonderfully loved by a God who sent His son to die for me. A God who wants little-Mark (pequeño-Marcos) to serve BIG-Him. 
(This was an edited post from the blog I wrote for my school back in February. It still holds true today, as I am now reading Katie's book, "Kisses from Katie.")

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Mark! So excited about all God will do through your life next!
